Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am having such a hard time right now and overall just feel so lonely.  Ever since last June I feel like I can not get a grip on what my life has become.  Everyone has moved on and I am stuck at the bottoe.  Last year at this time I was on top of the world!  I had just gotten married had finished my 2nd year as a special ed teacher at a private school and was getting ready to leave on a wonderful trip to Europe.  Now I have no job and no hopes of finding anything anytime soon, a baby on the way, and my husband and I hardly act more than roommates.  I spend my days sleeping or watching tv with no motivation to do anything.  After Norbel went bankrupt I got a job working with at risk youth.  This was a horrible mistake and not for me.  Then I worked for a deadbeat boss at a daycare.  I am still so devestated that Norbel closed.  I never got to say goodbye to the kids and I was finally making a name for myself with a career.  Working was very important to me.  Having something I could be proud of and making a difference in childrens lives.  I loved the kids and they loved me and the parents loved me.  I just dont know where to look.  I have applied to Anne Arundel County by have heard nothing back.  Besides I am due in August and probably won't find anything for this year.  I just do not know how I will pass the time I am so lonely.

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